Author Archive

Mike and Rehman Chishti MP join Cllr Howard Doe at Ryetop Park

August 6, 2013

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I had the pleasure of joining Rehman Chishti MP and Cllr Howard Doe the Portfolio Holder for Housing and Community Services this morning when Cllr Doe opened the new SportACTIV facility at Ryetop Park off Beacon Close in Rainham Central.

It is the second such hi tech facility to be opened in the country and the first here in Medway.

Lots of children were there to join in the fun and the photograph shows Rehman Chishti MP, Cllr Howard Doe and I starting one of the games.

Latest news from the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner

August 4, 2013


I thought that you would be interested in the latest newsletter from Ann Barnes the Kent Police and Crime Commissioner.

You can read it here

Mike helps the Medway Secure Training Centre celebrate a Good Ofsted

July 29, 2013

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Continuing my tour of Medway Schools I had the pleasure of visiting the

Medway Secure Training Centre last week at the kind invitation of the Director Ralph Marchant. I was given a tour of the establishment by the Director.

Following a recent Ofsted inspection they were given a Good Ofsted.

In addition to this they have also been awarded the Gold Investors in People Award.

I am photographed above with the Director Ralph Marchant.

Summer fun at Medway’s Sure Start Centres

July 28, 2013

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News from Medway Council website

From arts and crafts to pottery and kite making, there’s plenty to keep little ones entertained during the summer holidays.

There are 19 Sure Start Children’s Centres across Medway. To find out more about your nearest centre and what’s on offer there, visit or call 01634 335566.

You are welcome to send a reporter/ photographer to any of the following events. Please call the centre if you would like to attend.

Monday, 29 July

10-11.30am Burnt Oak Children’s Centre, Gillingham (334344)

Messy play

1.30-3.30pm, Lordswood Children’s Centre (333670)

Under 1s group

Tuesday, 30 July

10am-12noon Gun Lane Children’s Centre, Strood (717115)

“Splish splash splosh” stay and play

11am-1pm Riverside Children’s Centre, Rainham (338700)

Beach party

1-3pm Oaklands Children’s Centre, Walderslade (333820)

Messy Play.

Wednesday 31 July

10am-2pm All Saints Children’s Centre, Chatham (338833)

Walk to Jacksons Field with picnic and games

11am-1.30pm Woodlands Children’s Centre (338370)

Farm themed stay and play

11.30am-1pm Bligh Children’s Centre, Strood (336220)

Teddy Bears Picnic

2-3pm Delce Children’s Centre, Rochester (844127)

Fruity Fun

Thursday 1 August

10am-11.30am Saxon Way Children’s Centre, Gillingham (852320)

Toddler Bizz Physical Fun

10am-11am Deanwood Children’s Centre, Parkwood (231901)

Arts and crafts

10.30-11.30am Oaklands Children’s Centre, Walderslade (333821)

Art and craft session

10.30am-12noon St Margaret’s at Troy Town Children’s Centre, Rochester (843843)

“Under the Sea” stay and play

1.30-3pm Temple Mill Children’s Centre (338200)

Jungle themed messy play

Friday, 2 August

10am-12.30pm Woodlands Children’s Centre, Gillingham (338370)

Mobile Farm

10am-2pm Gun Lane Children’s Centre, Strood (717115)

Picnic and games at The Strand

12.30-3.30pm St James’ Children’s Centre, Isle of Grain (270341)

Birds of prey and eagle heights

For a full list of activities happening at Medway’s Sure Start Centres visit

Photograph shows me celebrating  Bligh Children’s Centre recent Outstanding Ofsted, the first in the country under the new Ofsted Inspection Regime.

Mike supports the Medway Mile

July 27, 2013

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A wonderful evening at Rochester Castle yesterday when I joined over 3000 local Medway people for the Medway Mile.

It is always great to see people enjoying themselves, and getting fit.

Congratulations to Medway Council for yet another free event that is supported by local people.

The photograph above shows the superb backdrop of Rochester Castle as we waited to start the Medway Mile and below a view of the many thousands who participated.

the start

For the record: Response to last night’s Meridiantonight report on Temple Mill School

July 26, 2013


Temple Mill School

Meridian Tonight report – 25 July 2013 Council accused of cheating schoolchildren

Meridian Tonight broadcast a story headlined ‘Council cheated school children‘ during its evening news bulletin on Thursday, 26 July about a dispute between Medway Council and Temple Mill Primary School in Strood over a proposal not to to return monies stolen by a former employee, jailed last year for fraud, to the school.

The report accused Medway Council of cheating primary school children out of almost £250,000 stating the trial judge had ordered former school bursar Sandra Ross to repay every penny to the school.

Please read below the full statement sent to the reporter who put together the report:

‘The school receives a £1.1 million annual settlement based on a formula distribution, which is the same as every other school in Medway. This adequately covers the education needs of their pupils and is sufficient for staff to run the school smoothly.

In fact, the school has built up a significant surplus, which after this funding over the past two years, now stands at around £95,000. In addition, the school has recovered a quarter of the amount taken by its former bursar Sandra Ross, which resulted in her conviction last October.

Rather than pay back the remaining amount to the school – which means it would be getting more money than similar size schools locally and therefore does not need – the council’s audit committee has recommended the outstanding amount be used to provide training for governors and headteachers at schools across Medway.

This will ensure any future potential incidents of fraud are uncovered before they reach the scale that was unfortunately allowed to occur at this individual school. This recommendation will be going before the council’s cabinet for final decision next month.

The recommendation was reached following a meeting of the council’s audit committee on 11 July Thecabinet is due to make the final decision at its next meeting on 6 August.’

The report also included a claim by parents that the money came from funds raised by them.  Some of the £212,000 taken by Sandra Ross did come from voluntary funds but that amount would have been covered by the money already returned to the school.

News from Medway Council website

Thousands ready to run the Medway Mile 2013 later today

July 26, 2013


News from Medway Council website

Thousands of people are expected in Rochester for the grand finale to the Medway Festival of Sport 2013.

Up to 3,000 runners and walkers of all ages are due to take part in the Medway Mile on Friday, 26 July in Rochester.

The event marks the culmination of a three-month sporting extravaganza featuring some 50 events in 70 days and involving 12,000 people and hundreds of volunteers.

Events have ranged from international sporting events to schools competitions, mass participation events and community have-a-go days.

The Medway Mile – first staged in 2007 – was Medway’s annual signature countdown event to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.

After last year’s hugely successful event, which also involved a screening of the Olympic opening ceremony, Medway Council decided the mass participation event should continue as a legacy of the Games.

The action on Friday evening centres on Rochester Castle Gardens, with the one-mile route weaving its way around Rochester’s historic streets.

From 5pm there is free entertainment in and around the castle gardens including a sports and activity zone, inflatables’ zone and a healthy lifestyles zone run by the A Better Medway team.

Highlights include an urban boxing arena, inflatable golf roadshow and an appearance by Gillingham FC with their League Two trophy and cheerleaders.

At 5.30pm hundreds of youngsters aged five to 13 will take part in children’s races around the castle gardens, with medals available to every young participant.

At 6.30pm it’s the turn of the mascots to race along the home straight before the serious business of the competitive adult mile race at 6.45pm. This is open to pre-registered runners aged 16 or over who can complete the mile in eight minutes or less.

British Military Fitness will lead the massed crowds in a warm up from 7.10pm ahead of the mass mile at 7.30pm.

The fun doesn’t stop when the mile is over. As the countdown to the next Olympic and Paralympic Games continues, there will be a mass zumba cool down, then a Rio-inspired Brazilian dance and music show ahead of a grand fireworks finale at approximately 9.30pm.

Food and drink stalls including a hog roast, barbeque and coffee and cakes will be open throughout the evening.

The Medway Mile is free to enter and every participant receives a free souvenir t-shirt.

Pre-registration is available until Thursday, 25 July. Registration on the day will be subject to availability as the race capacity is 3,000 runners and walkers. No pre-registration is required for the children’s races.

To enter online visit

The Medway Mile is organised by the Medway Sport team and is proud to be a smoke-free event, supported by A Better Medway, Southern Water and the Medway Messenger.

Image is taken from Medway Council website

Mike attends the Leavers Service at All Saints Church of England Primary School

July 23, 2013

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It was a real pleasure to attend the leavers service for

All Saints Church of England Primary School at St Paul with  All Saints Church in Magpie Hall Road today for Year 6 going on to Secondary Schools in September.

Have popped in to the school earlier the whole school decamped to the Church for a super service of music and awards.

I had the opportunity of meeting Governors and I am photographed above with the Head Teacher Mrs G Hill, local Councillor Mrs Julie Shaw who is on the Governing Body , the Chair Cheryl Trice, Vice Chair the Rev Keith Johnson and other governors.

A great morning at St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School

July 22, 2013

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I had a wonderful time at the end of term Prize Giving at

St Benedict’s Catholic Primary School in Lordswood this morning.

In a hall packed with supportive parents, carers and grandparents I had the pleasure of presenting the end of year certificates and trophies.

I also had the opportunity of speaking with the Head Teacher Mrs Salamonczyk  who gave me a guided tour of the school, enabling me to speak to both pupils and staff.

This is my 53rd school visit in Medway since being in post since May 15th so I am looking forward to visiting the remainder of our Medway Schools in September.

Photograph shows me with the Head Teacher Mrs Salamoncyzk.

Mike joins in with the Africa day at All Faiths’ Children’s Community School

July 19, 2013

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I had a fantastic day with the pupils and staff of All Faiths’ Children’s Community School today when I was privileged to join them for their Africa Day.

It was a KS2 Curriculum Day with the children learning all about Africa by utilising dance, acting, song, research, reading and writing and cooking. Plus extra activities including African Craft.

They were blessed with the weather which added to the “Africa” feel.

I also met with the Head Teacher Heidi Taylor and the Chair of Governors Derek Morrison.